Event Date: 12-Sep-2018
Updated On: 17-Jul-2021
Total Video(s): 1
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Description: Magic along with its subgenres of, and sometimes referred to all illusion. Performing magic tricks is a great way to make the child in his/her world of wonder. Every day is a new adventure of discovery, mystery and wonderment. We all enjoy magic shows and kids love it especially. It’s a key ingredient of childhood. Children of Pink Petals (classes Nur-UKG) were taken to the magic show of Magician Alisha at Ramleela Palace. Children were very happy and curious to watch the show. They waited eagerly for the show to begin when the curtains lifted on the stage and magician started the show. Children screamed and clapped loudly. She produced many rabbits and pigeons out of her hat. She performed many more such surprising tricks to entertain all of us. We could all only watch in wonder. Water of India magic trick was the centre of attraction. The magician showed her magic tricks on students as well as teachers. Every one praised and admired her. Children enjoyed it a lot and had great fun.