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Primary Wing PBL Activity
  • Event Date: 18-May-2023
  • Updated On: 20-May-2023
  • Total Photo(s): 30
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Description: Project-Based Learning (PBL) activities have proven to be an efficient and engaging approach to foster immersive and interactive learning experiences for children. Among these activities, 'Exploring Shapes' stands out as a remarkable example, successfully aiding young learners in comprehending the concepts of various shapes, understanding their unique attributes, and recognizing their practical applications in the real world. In order to nurture a deep understanding of shapes while simultaneously stimulating curiosity and creativity among these budding minds, the school organised the 'Exploring Shapes' PBL activity for the students of class LKG. This young participants' enthusiasm and genuine passion for learning were evident throughout the activity, reflecting their keen interest and active engagement. Mr. Manoj Kumar (Principal) emphasised that these immersive and dynamic approaches not only make the learning process enjoyable but also foster a holistic learning environment that nurtures critical thinking skills and supports the students' academic growth.