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Farewell Party (2023-24)
  • Event Date: 03-Feb-2024
  • Updated On: 20-Feb-2024
  • Total Photo(s): 27
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Description: With hearts full of nostalgia and pride, Columbus Public School bid adieu to the graduating class of 2023-24 on February 3, 2024. The vibrant Class XI, overflowing with enthusiasm and sentimentality, stepped into the role of hosts for this memorable Farewell Party dedicated to their seniors from Class XII. The Farewell event was adorned with soul-stirring renditions of songs, captivating dance performances, and engaging games, each presentation serving as a tribute to the beautiful journey of friendship and learning. Also, as a token of appreciation and remembrance, every twelfthy received a personalised gift bearing their name, a cherished memento encapsulating their journey at school. Throughout the day, emotions ran high as the school community came together to reminisce about the cherished years spent in each other's company, amidst friends and mentors. The air was filled with laughter, tears, and heartfelt conversations, as everyone reflected on the joyful moments shared within the walls of our school. As the curtains drew to a close on this unforgettable day, the School Management extended a warm and hearty lunch to the passing-out batch of Class 12. This symbolic gesture marked the end of a significant chapter in their lives, yet also signified the beginning of new adventures and endeavors awaiting them beyond the school gates. To the Class of 2023-24, wishing you all the success, happiness, and fulfilment in your future endeavours.