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First day of the school
  • Event Date: 04-Apr-2022
  • Updated On: 09-Apr-2022
  • Total Photo(s): 27
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Description: The most important step towards learning is the first step towards it. One of the most memorable day of our life is the day when we enter our school campus for the first time. It is the day when our learning starts and we start evolving , and a new chapter of life starts. 4 April 2022 was such special day for our tiny tots , as this day marked the beginning of our new session along with a journey of learning newer things for our young Columbians. They took their first step towards learning by performing a Hand Printing Activity which helped them in bonding with their classmates. It was a joyful and a memorable day for all of us seeing the young Columbians taking new steps ahead towards a new beginning.